Monday, December 22, 2008

An Early Christmas Present

Over 26 years, I have been married to the best husband any man could be. He has been taking such good care of me since (and before, but in a different way) this illness began. Without his love and patience, I might not even make it out the bed until late in the evening each day.

As I've mentioned before, he helps me to sit up, places the icepack on my back and brings me a cup of macchiato in the morning. He knows that the icepack (with meds of course) is my lifeline and without it, I can't even begin to move myself out of bed. He shows me so much love by making sure I'm able to function each day, before he leaves for work. I know, and appreciate, how hard this is when you're trying to focus on getting ready, and making it to work on time. His love shows in all the adjustments, rearranging, etc., he does around the house to make sure I can get around with the wheelchair. For instance, as soon as we moved, he built sort of a deck like ramp so I could get to the car. With steps leading to the drive, it just wasn't a simple type of ramp.

I don't get around much with all the pain and what not, but he makes sure I'm able to get out of the house at least once a week. I have visual high hopes of getting out and about, but my body doesn't seem to let me do all that I want. Mickey says he knows when I'm having a really hard time if I turn down going to stores like "Walmart". I love to just browse around, pick up little odd and ends, and shop for snacks. I don't make it there as much as I'd like to, or even close to it.

Well, Saturday we (me, Mickey, Keonna - daughter, and Tanira - granddaughter) went to pick up a puppy for me. I already knew we couldn't afford a full bred "Yorkie" so we got a "Chorkie". A yorkie and chiwauwau mix. I wanted a boy puppy but they were all black and looked more like a chiwauwau. So, I ended up with an adorable girl puppy who is just the tiniest thing and she was the only pup out the batch that looked like a yorkie. For now, she has a black and brown coat but eventually she'll be a steel cobalt-blue color. She's so precious and playful. Thankfully, she won't grow over five pounds, at least we hope not because that's my weight restriction.

Mickey really didn't want to ever get a puppy so I really appreciate him changing his mind for me. She had an accident yesterday and he said it's alright, she has to learn. I love him so much for always being there for me, in all the ways that really count. We have plenty of ups and downs, just like any other couple but over time they don't seem to be a really big deal.

We say what we feel, one or the other might get upset for a short spell or a couple days, but overall we know we love each other and it will be alright. He even seems to manage (and I don't know how) my deep depression periods. Thank GOD they usually don't last longer than a week and lately they've only lasted as much as a day.

Since Pinky's first accident, she's gone to her spot the rest of the day and night, and again so far today. I make sure to give her a snack afterward, while clapping. I'm so thankful to always be reminded that I have the gift of love and caring from Mickey. He's adjusting to having Pinky around and that's terrific.

I hope everyone is having a glorious day!! Please continue to keep everyone at ASAP in your thoughts and prayers. Remember, guests are welcome.


Anonymous said...

oh Janice, it's so sweet of your husband to let allow you a puppy. I know that, I've been there too. My husand didn't want a dog, but he was the first one who cleaned away the 'accident'!as soon as we had the dog. Show us some photo's as soon as you have some please....

Your friend Annemarie from Holland

One Sick Mother said...

Yay! Puppy!

She sounds adorable. If you are up to it, could you please post some pictures? I would love to see her.

Wishing you. Mickey and Pinky a happy christmas!


Rozanne said...

Hey Janice, How wonderful it is that you got a puppy!
I still train here and there so if you need help, don't hesitate to call or drop me an email. We might even be able to teach her some service dog tasks. ;)
We ought to get together sometime!

Kuchkahunbyshilpa said...

hi Janice.I have just been diagnose d with SM.Its been only 3 months since the diagnose because of the symptoms but i can understand and feel the pain u go through every moment. i could not stop crying reading through ur posts. I am only 30 yrs and get scared ,as to for how long will i have to live with the pain and these sensory vibrations in my body. U know and the worst part ,as u correctly mentioned ,that u cannot explain in plain english language as to whats happening to u. coz we look absolutely fine when looked at. i used to be hard core dancer. Means i cannot stop thinking of the steps as soon as i listen to a song. but now i am scared to go on a dance floor. but a thought come to my mind that the pain will as such be there if i dance or not so its better to dance and live my life to the fullest and then even if i have to cry in pain for a while its acceptable to me. at least for that time when i was dancing . i was alive. i know u are inmuch more pain than iam but ill pray for your health snd happiness. and god bless your usband . i prat that one fine morning u get up only to see that ur absolutely healthy.